TuNuevoClasificado.com uses Stripe Connect as its Payment Processor.
TuNuevoClasificado.com is an online e-commerce website where vendors can sell their products, services and deals, and buyers (general online public) can make purchases online. Our sellers may include general stores, restaurants, hotels, beauty salons, spas, etc. selling articles such as clothing, jewelry, watches, eye wear, phone accessories, electronic equipment, weekly deals , etc. Customers are charged the moment they buy an item (make a purchase) through our marketplace. Funds are withheld from vendors 14 days and if there are no returns or complaints from buyers, fund are transferred to the vendors account net 15 days.
TuNuevoClasificado.com is the first Multi-Seller Marketplace created in Puerto Rico. At YourNewClassified.com you can register your business and become a certified seller in a matter of minutes. It's as simple as selecting a plan and applying for a seller account.
Dare to dream big, dare and start selling at TuNuevoClasificado.com
© 2021-2022 TuNuevoClasificado.com. The Marketplace - © Tu Nuevo Clasificado